Curriculum Vitae
- 1964 Born in Niihama-city Ehime JAPAN
- 1986 Bchr. Department of Physics, Shizuoka University
- 1988 Mstr. Physics (Elementary Particle Physics), Shizuoka University
- 1988 Canon Inc.
- 1988 Department Seminconductivity Equipment, Canon
- 1991 Canon Research Ceneter
- 2003 Manager Mathematical Engineering III Div.
- 2014 General Manager Mathematical Engineering Department
- 2015-2019 Professor National Institure of of Technology, Sasebo College
- 2015-2019 Guest Professor Institute of Math-for-Industry, Kyushu University
- 2019 Professor Kanazawa University
- 1995 Ph.D. Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 2009 Guest researcher Boston University
Reserch Data
Professional Associations
- The Mathematical Society of Japan
- The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics